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Flexible Payment Planning


Descriptions & Outlines of Borough Fund Accounts

In addition to the General Fund, through which the annual operating budget is managed, the Borough maintains a group of special funds, each of which is used for a specific purpose. These are discussed below. Every year the annual budget contains money that is disbursed to the various special funds to keep them at levels necessary to support their purpose, like repairing infrastructure or purchasing new vehicles. The Waldron-Williams Fund, which receives no public monies, is an exception.

Credit Assessment


A Reserve Fund for One-Time Expenses

The Capital & Nonrecurring Fund is a reserve fund set up in accordance with Chapter 108 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Separate funds within the Capital & Nonrecurring Fund include: Building Fund, Truck Fund (replacement of Fire Department & Highway Department trucks), Office Equipment, and Undesignated.

Fire Hoses


A Municipal Fire Department

Unlike the fire districts in the Town of Stonington, the Borough Fire Department is a municipal fire department. That is, it is funded as part of the Borough’s budget, not by a separate fire tax. The Fire Department Major Expense Fund is the place where money is held for current or anticipated significant expenditures, like buying a new fire engine. Routine maintenance of the fire vehicles and maintenance of the fire house are paid from the annual operating budget.   



Roads and Infrastructure

The Infrastructure Reserve Fund is established to accumulate and disburse funds for the maintenance and repair of the Borough’s roads and infrastructure.



Maintenance, Repair, and Improvement of Wayland's Wharf

PURPOSE of the Wayland’s Wharf Fund shall be to provide for maintenance, repair or improvement of facilities at Wayland’s Wharf, including construction of new facilities.


FUNDING of the Wayland’s Wharf Fund may be through sources including but not limited to voluntary contributions or grants from individuals, businesses, or governments, appropriations made by the Boroughs voters at the Annual Borough and Budget Meeting, as well as additional appropriations as provided in the Borough Charter.


EXPENDITURES may be made only for the governmental purposes stated above and with the approval of the Board of Warden & Burgesses. All decisions on projects covered by the Wayland’s Wharf Fund shall be made by the Board or its designated agent. No money shall be transferred out of the fund or spent for purposes other than those stated above except with the approval of the voters at a Borough Meeting where such action was included in the call of the meeting.



26 Church Street, Stonington, CT 06378

Mailing Address: PO Box 328

Stonington, CT 06378


This  is the official home page for the Borough of Stonington, CT. No other pages or  information have been prepared by the Borough.

Every effort is made to include accurate and up-to-date information in good faith; however, the Borough of  Stonington takes no legal responsibility for

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